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Сила света - цифровое искусство в действии :: Медиатека :: блоги :: на главную

Сила света - цифровое искусство в действии


Аудио-визуальная инсталляция от творческой команды "Sila Sveta"

Audi A5 Launch: AI vs YOU


The world's first automobile presentation employing real-time motion tracking technology. Acting as the author of its own presentation, the new Audi A5 coupé effortlessly controlled the 3D mapping scenario by driving around the projected area. Special sensors were attached to the car to detect its precise location in the 300+ sq.m space and to connect it to the live synchronization and rendering system creating impressive video content and controlling light fixtures in real time. More than 400 guests watched the show from the stand designed to secure a specific viewing angle. At the show's culmination point each of them was surprised by a phone call from Artificial Intelligence.

It was initially a challenging experiment which turned into yet another sensational show in the Russian Events market thanks to the best artistic collaboration. We also highly value working with Audi Russia for the courage and opportunity to turn ambitious ideas into innovative products.

Сообщество медиаманов. Авторские работы скандальных медиа-маньяков, видео-ролики, демосцена, короткометражные фильмы, творческая анимация, креативная реклама, короткометражные мультфильмы, future shorts.

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