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Shade is a collection of songs by three young and talented progressive psytrance artists from Serbia. Released by Aneides Recordings, this EP features tracks by Zarma (Vladimir Samardzic) and Versi (Goran Paradjina) from Novi Sad as well as Sonic Entity (Nikola Gasic) from Belgrade. The style ranges from bright and beautiful to rough and edgy with a focus on chunky progressive grooves, beefy bass lines, and stomping kicks throughout.

MP3 Download / FLAC Download / WAV Download

Released under a Creative Commons licence for noncommercial usage. Visit Orgasma Recordings on MySpace for more information.

Track Listing

01 - Sonic Entity - Affection (136 BPM)
02 - Zarma - Floating In Wonderland (137 BPM)
03 - Versi - Manimal (135 BPM)

©2010 Ektoplazm; click here to view the original post or read what others are saying about it (7 comments so far).

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