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Bezoar – Mindless

Bezoar – Mindless

Bezoar (Marcelo Noxious & Alana Curi) is a new project emerging from the depths of the urban jungle of S?o Paulo, Brazil. With Mindless, the debut release by Uroboros Records, this production duo brings you dark progressive and full throttle techtrance with a heavy psychedelic touch. In addition to the solo tracks you can also hear a collaboration with Onionbrain, another Brazilian project. Download it, play it loud, and let’s test how much your mind can support before you become mindless! Mastered by Anti Logic Studio, Berlin, with artwork by Gaspa (Guilherme Gasparini).

MP3 Download / FLAC Download / WAV Download

Released under a Creative Commons licence for noncommercial usage. Watch out for Cyberpunk Chronicles Vol. 1 coming soon from Uroboros Records!

Track Listing

01 - Bezoar - Personality Simulation (136 BPM)
02 - Bezoar - 100 Drops (140 BPM)
03 - Bezoar vs Onionbrain - Mindless (138 BPM)

©2010 Ektoplazm; click here to view the original post or read what others are saying about it (25 comments so far).

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